Digital Marketing a Practical Approach 4e

Alan's books

Books by Alan Charlesworth

Digital Marketing a Practical Approach 4e

I hope that readers will find that this book does as it suggests in its title - it is a book on digital marketing that addresses the subject from a practical perspective.

Whilst strategic issues are included where appropriate, by concentrating on the operational and functional aspects of this dynamic subject, Digital Marketing - a Practical Approach provides a step-by-step guide to implementing the key aspects of online marketing.

Although primarily aimed at an academic market, the practical nature of the book means that it will be equally useful in both training and self-learning scenarios.

It was always my intention that the book's ethos would be to get down in the e-marketing trenches rather than standing back and taking a strategic point of view on the subject. This book is designed to be more practical in nature - addressing tactics, operational and functional issues in detail. This is in contrast to many other academic texts on the subject of digital marketing, which tend to concentrate on the strategy itself, rather than how that strategy is implemented at the digital coal-face.

After reading this book - and completing the exercises within it - the reader will be equipped to undertake any Internet marketing role within a variety of organizations. The practical case-study exercises - based on theory and recognized good practice - will ensure that readers will be able to analyse situations within the work place, identify the most appropriate course of action and implement the strategies and tactics that will help the organization meet its online objectives.

A key aspect to this Digital Marketing book is the use of a number of bespoke case studies that are designed to make clear how the impact of each online application varies between organizations and markets.

For each section of each chapter there is a case study question that is pertinent to that section - though readers are welcome to switch case studies for each question if they so wish - or even substitute their own organization. A similar format is followed at the end of each chapter, but at this time readers are invited to advise one of the case-study organizations on all aspects of Digital marketing covered in that chapter.

Throughout the book, case studies are used as both examples of how theory might be practiced and as exercises for readers to complete. Although the case studies are fictional, they all characterize real life situations. The cases are not intended to be comprehensive or exhaustive - merely a snap shot of a particular state of affairs within what is normally a complex environment, but they have been compiled in such a way that all aspects of Internet marketing can be addressed.

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