the Digital Revolution

Alan's books

Books by Alan Charlesworth

the Digital Revolution

Published in November 2009, the Digital Revolution is one of Dorling Kindersley's successful Essential Managers series.

Although my Internet/Digital Marketing books were written as a practitioner guide as well as a student text, this is my first book that was not aimed primarily at the academic market.

Explains how to assess online opportunities, plan your strategy and succeed in the digital sector

Step-by-step instructions, tips, checklists and 'ask yourself' features show you how to understand technology, set up and maintain a website and do business online

Table, illustration, 'infocus' panels and real-life case studies explain how to access digital communities, analyse data and reach new markets

Well, that all sounds like good stuff - and it is [but then you would expect me to say that!] - however, what I would say is that this book serves as an excellent introduction to [a] the various aspects of digital business, and [b] what later has become known as the digital transformation. It is what is commonly referred to as an 'airport' book. That is, you buy it at the airport and then read it during your flight. It's not going to make you an expert overnight, but it will introduce the subject in such a way as the reader should know what steps to take next.

In November 2010 The Digital Revolution was published in German and Portuguese, and in 2011 Chinese.

A Revolucao Digital


  • Explica como aceder a oportunidades online, como planear estrategias e como ter sucesso no sector digital
  • Instrucoes passo a passo, dicas, listas de verificacao e rubricas "Questione-se" mostram-lhe como compreender a tecnologia, criar e gerir um website e fazer negocios online
  • Tabelas, ilustracoes, paineis "Em Destaque" e estudos de casos da vida real dao-lhe as ferramentas para aceder a comunidades online, analisar dados e atingir novos mercados

DIE Digitale Revolution

Was bedeutet die zunehmende digitale Durchdringung der Welt fur uns? Wie muss Marketing fur ein Onlinepublikum gestaltet sein? Und wie schafft man eine effektive Prasenz im Netz, optimiert Websites und Webwerbung?
Das Buch gibt Ihnen einen Einblick in die digitale Welt und erlautert, weichen Einfluss die digitalen Medien auf das Wirtschaftsleben haben. Digitales Kaufverhalten, soziale Medien, Suchmaschinen-optimierung, Onlinewerbung und e-Mail spielen eine wichtige Rolle, um eine Organisation im digitalen Zeitalter zu fuhren. Mit Schritt-fur-Schritt-Anleitungen, Tipps und Checklisten wird der Leser zu den Schlusselfragen der Online-strategien gefuhrt. Er erhalt so einen kompaktenUberblick uber alle zentralen Faktoren der digitalen Medien und ihren Einfluss auf die moderne Unternehmensfuhrung.

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