A Glossary of Internet Marketing Terms, Phrases and Concepts


Alan's books

Books by Alan Charlesworth

A Glossary of Internet Marketing
Terms, Phrases and Concepts

Although this book can be used in its own right as a glossary of terms, phrases and concepts that you might come across in an Internet marketing environment, it is written primarily to be a companion to Internet Marketing: a Practical Approach.

My reasoning behind this is that I have found that my students who are new to Internet marketing - particular those from outside the UK - do not have full understanding of some of the terms and concepts that are used within online marketing. This book will help those students - and anyone else that is new to what can be the confusing medium that is the Internet.

I have made it much more concise than my other similar text - Key Concepts in e-Commerce - with a focus on e-marketing rather than e-commerce in general.

A criticsm might be that these definitions are all available online - and that would be true. However, this book can be carried into class so that if a term comes up in a lecture or discussion students can quickly reference it. And yes, I know some students have mobile devices, but they will still have to type the phrase into Google and find the meaning.

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