Digital Mkting 4th ed ch1 Introduction


further reading ...

The following links take you to content that supplements and updates this chapter of the book. Note that

I’ve included some articles that are a few years old  ... don't let their publication date put you off - they are

still relevant now. The most recent posts are at end of each section.

­­I tried to write the book as if I was having a conversation with the reader. I might not have succeeded ... but I tried.   Alan

This chapter doesn't lend itself to further reading ... just be sure to take a few minutes to read the the key points because they will help you to make sense of the rest of the book.

I do, however, have a new key point; it is that ...

ChatGPT – nor any other brand of AI large language model (LLM)

writing tool – was used in the writing of this book ;-)

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