further reading ...
In the book I make the point that this subject is not popular - or sexy - and yet most marketers will work in a B2B environment. The lack of popularity is also reflected in articles about it [would you rather write about social media and influencers or wiring component lead times for just-in-time(JIT) manufactures?] - hence the shortages of links for this chapter. Ho Hum.
It is well worth reading
What Do B2B Buyers Want From Sellers, and Why Do They Go Elsewhere? because it makes clear some of the key differences between marketing B2B and B2C,
I have included How Long Do B2B Deals Take to Close? to show that B2B sales rarely happen at the click of a mouse [or tap of a screen] - so B2B websites are used for lead generation.
Although I’ve included Digital Sources Now Generate 40% of Leads for Professional Services Firms here, it could be in several other sections.
How B2B marketers can help sales overcome customer indecision offers nothing new to experienced B2B marketers ... but few [none?] reading this will be experienced B2B marketers.
Although the service being sold isn't typical of all B2B, What B2Bs Need to Know About Their Buyers applies to a much wiser range of products. The third paragraph [starting 'For example ...'] is particularly relevant.
Perhaps What Types of Videos Are B2B Buyers Watching? should be in the previous section – but I’ve put it here so that readers can compare these figures with those on the use of videos in the book.
What Do Visitors Want From Your B2B Website?
What Types of Content Generate Leads That Convert?
How digital is shaping customer experiences in B2B is about more than the B2B website - worth a read. Note, however, the article refers to B2B products that can be sold on a website as are retail products.
GO ONLINE *page 192* Some examples of B2B e-marketplaces
You should note the products listed in Amazon’s B2B Marketplace Dominates - it could almost be a list of consumer products.
A ‘mental shift’ in B2B commerce: Why marketplaces are thriving.